Site Files

The SBC "Calibration Site File" naming scheme follows the following format:

  • beamline
  • detector name
  • date of site file set

APS typically makes x-rays available for three months at a time; each three month cycle is referred to as an APS "run". Between APS runs, there is a one month shut-down period, to allow for equipment upgrades and maintenance. APS runs span the months of:

  • February through April; APS Run_01
  • June through August; APS Run_02
  • October through December; APS Run_03

A subdirectory is provided for each Calibration Set using the naming convention beamline_detector_APSrun:

  • the beamline name is either 19BM or 19ID
  • the detector name is either Q210r or Q315r
  • APS run is named following the convention of:
    • 4-digit year (followed by an underscore)
    • 2-digit run number (followed by an underscore)
    • detector binning mode (either bin or full)

For example, directory 19ID_Q315r_2014_02 contains the set of calibration files for images collected on:

  • 19ID
  • using the Quantum 315r detector
  • during APS Run 2014-02

Please use your web-browser to download each individual file from the Calibration Set that corresponds to your data.

CAUTION: Files contain a combination of ASCII and binary data. Please use an appropriate download mode to accommodate this.

The on-line files represent the past fiscal year's calibration site files. Previous site files are maintained off-line. To obtain these older files, or if you have any questions, please contact SBC staff.

XDS Processing Site Files



Calibration Files

(d*trek and Mosfilm)

Images from the ADSC Quantum 315r and 210r detectors, currently in use at the SBC beamlines, are corrected for distortion, nonuniformity of response and dark current as they are written from the detector to disk.

Therefore, processing these images using d*trek or MOSFLM no longer requires the calibration files (distor.* and nonunf) that were traditionally located at our download site.

Remote Backup Script


Frequently Used

  • gimp: open terminal window; enter command "gimp"