Crystallographic Software

Frequently Used

Crystallographic Resources
- IUCr - International Tables (International Union of Crystallography)
- PDB - Protein Data Bank (RCSB)
- wwPDB (World Wide PDB)
- X-ray Absorption Edges (University of Washington)
- X-ray Data Booklet (Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory)
- BioSync (Structural Biologist's Guide to Data Collection Facilities)
- CCDC (Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center; small molecule)
- Crystallographic Websites (CCP4)
- EMDataBank (3D Electron Microscopy Data Bank)
- ExPASy (Bioinformatics Resource Portal)
- ICDD - Resources (International Center for Diffraction Data)
- IUCr - Crystallography Online (International Union of Crystallography)
- NDB (Nucleic Acid Database)
- PSI - Structural Biology Knowledgebase (Nature/NIH)
Crystallographic Associations

- ACA (American Crystallographic Association)
- IUCr (International Union of Crystallography)
- MANY others... (SynCris List)
Learning Crystallography

- 2014 International Year of Crystallography (IUCr)
- Crystallography 1 (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL)
- IUCr Websites, Resources (IUCr)
- MSc in Structural Molecular Biology (Birkbeck College, UK)
- Nature: Crystallography (Nature Special Issue; January 29, 2014)
- PDB-101 (RCSB PDB)
- PDB Learn (RCSB PDB)
Contacting Your Host
- If dialling from off-site (eg. your home institute):
- Dial 1 + area code + phone number
- If dialling from on-site (SBC beamlines), use cordless phone (unrestricted off-site local access):
- Enter: 7 + 1 + area code + phone number
- Obtain your host's contact information during beamline orientation, at beginning of beamtime
- Staff Support Hours:
- 8am - 10pm CST Monday thru Friday
Using ANL Phones On-site
- To report an EMERGENCY from ANY Argonne phone:
- Dial 9-1-1
- To report an EMERGENCY using a non-ANL phone (connects to ANL firefighters, paramedics):
- Dial (630)-252-1911
- To report a NON-EMERGENCY from any Argonne phone:
- Dial 8-1-1
- To contact a Floor Coordinator:
- Dial 2-0101
- Enter the number you are calling from:
- 19-ID: 2-9823
- 19-BM: 2-9833
- Enter # (lower right of key pad)
- Hang up phone
- Floor coordinator will call you back, usually within 1-5 minutes
- To reach an Argonne on-site phone number:
- Dial 2 + the 4-digit ANL extension
- To contact a room at Guest House:
- Dial 4 + room number